What's this [Bulk] tag-wannabee? Maybe there's a hole in my brain where the information should be, but I don't believe this is a valid tag. If not then the message will instead go to any valid tags on the subject line. ie this one will go to [EE] and [PIC] as I understand things. I'm doing that as [bulk] is turning up in [EE] and [PIC] so this addresses both those tag areas. Multi-tagging is, of course, frowned on. Can posters please arrange for subject lines to contain only one valid tag. [There is in fact no "rule" about them containing invalid 'tags' as they have no effect on mail direction.] [ If a poster INTENDS eg [BULK][PIC] to go to [PIC] then that actually doesn't break any rules]. R -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist