== How this looks on Main Street == "If it doesn't get resolved, there are many ways this credit crunch will affect local economies," said Joseph H. Davis, Ph.D., Vanguard's chief economist. "Local businesses will have difficulty making payroll or extending credit to their customers. Local municipalities will find that they can't acquire funding for their usual activities unless they pay unusually high interest rates. And consumers will find that if they can get a loan at all, they'll pay much higher rates." On a larger scale, giant companies that employ tens of thousands of workers are already finding that shrinking access to capital is hindering their ability to finance their operations. "All these cumulative effects could dramatically slow spending and cause a jump in unemployment," said Dr. Davis. "As proposed, this rescue plan would allow the U.S. Treasury to buy these securities at a significant discount from the initial loan value, or at least establish a value for them that could generate interest from other buyers," said Kenneth Volpert, a principal who oversees Vanguard's taxable bond funds. "This plan shouldn't be called a bailout because the money is not simply spent and consumed. The money will be used to buy real assets. "The risk of not doing anything is much higher. Without intervention of some sort, banks will stop lending, consumers won't have access to credit, and companies won't be able to expand. In fact, they may have to shrink. The cost to the economy could be many times more than $700 billion." -- PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at