>>>> Here's a crazy thought... you can't take out a mortgage until your >>>> student loan is paid off... that'd throw a monkey wrench into things, >>>> now wouldn't it? Or you're banned from purchasing a NEW car until >>>> student loan debt doesn't show on your credit history? >>> Great, fascism! >> Why "fascism"? Doesn't seem to have much to do with subsidized loans. > Not allowing private parties to deal in loans that they both agree to > and which would normally be considered tame would be a form of fascism. Fascism is an insult in search of a definition* , but the general intent of the statement is understood. IANAL, IPTS but: If you apply for a loan the lender has the right to impose whatever legal conditions they may wish, and you may choose whether to accept them. If you eg raise a mortgage on your home the lender has certain rights over the way the property is 'managed', has first claim to the proceeds of any sale, and may impose a legal restriction (Caveat in our country **) on the raising of additional mortages or other aspects of the property's control. Now, a student is not a home and a student loan is not a mortgage, BUT the point has been made that the very differences which make it impossible to hold a student fire-sale or similar (bring back slavery?) require special treatment and that even the normal protection afforded by bankruptcy may not apply to such transactions. It is 'natural justice' (IMHO as always) that in the case of a mortgage that isn't a mortgage the lender should be afforded some of the protections of a caveat that isn't a caveat. The borrower enters (relatively) freely into the transaction and as long as the conditions apply up front, can have little grounds for complaint. In many cases, people who enter into transactions of this nature do in fact complain after the event, and see no great harm in working the system, taking the moiney and running and similar. This is a good (IM ...) example of the sort of issues that have been being addressed under the current thread - responsibility and accountability and self control are foundational values which, once eroded, lead to trillion dollar overseas debts, paying off someone else's Olympic games in about 4 months and sub-prime loan disasters. Translate the caveat language below into the student loan context, or most of the others related to this thread. If the analysis still says "fascism" then a new dictionary may be required :-) Russell * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Definitions_of_fascism ** http://www.ccc.govt.nz/QuickAnswers/BuildingPlanning/Subdivision/F1874.asp A caveat is an instrument registered against a Certificate of Title which prevents certain actions taking place with the Title. For example an owner may not be able to register a new mortgage or variation of mortgage, or transfer the property without the consent of the caveator (the person or body that registered the caveat over the property). Caveats registered by council are usually to protect some form of non-compliance of building or planning matters, and are registered to also act as a warning to prospective purchasers of the property that there is some form of non-compliance or monetary payment outstanding on the property. -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist