Hi, Now my case using the capacitor-divider to generate a 9mA current for payload. This circuit can work fine, but the C1(0.47uF,630V) is too big to us. It's volume is nearly: 29mm*13mm*20mm(height), [image: http://91mcu.bokee.com/inc/AC-DC.bmp] Now I found another capacitor on the TDK's website: http://www.tdk.co.jp/tefe02/e415_ckg.pdf Quote: 2-chip Piled Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors CKG Series CKG32K Type FEATURES =95 No polarity. =95 Twice the capacitance is obtainable on a single capacitor space. =95 Unique construction provides high reliablity. =95 The metal caps absorbs stress from thermal and mechanical shocks, ensuring excellent performance on aluminum circuit substrates. =95 Low ESR and ESL promises excellent characteristics for high frequency switching power supply. APPLICATIONS Smoothing circuits, temperature variable applications, Maintenance free power supplies, DC to DC converters, automotive applications. it seems very small. Now my problemis :Can I use it in my design to replace the orginal capacitor? Thanks in advance! -- E-elephant -- = http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist