Has anyone ever tried taking a flatbed scanner (they're so cheap today) and found a way to get at the data coming from the linear sensor array? I'd like to make a device to scan rolls of microfilm. My thought is to take one of these (with the appropriate optics) and rig up a mechanism to run the microfilm past it at a fixed rate. 2048 pixels across would be adequate for my needs. I could then feed the data over USB to a computer to store it as one long file for the entire length of the film. Commercial devices to do this exist, but are several orders of magnitude more than I care to spend, plus it sounds like an interesting project (I may say otherwise after starting it ;-) I don't even need color, grayscale would be fine. I wonder if any of the hand scanners that used to be popular could be put into a mode where they continuously transmit data. I'm not sure that they have the resolution that I require, either. I've found a few projects on the web for doing this, but the method seems to involve keeping the existing flatbed scanner setup, and stepping the film through in 11 (or so) inch steps. I'd rather continuously scan it down the entire length of the film. -- --- Chris Smolinski Black Cat Systems http://www.blackcatsystems.com -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist