In SX Microcontrollers, SX/B Compiler and SX-Key Tool, JonnyMac wrote: My columns for the last year and-a-half have been devoted to the SX and SX/B -- it needed the attention that the BASIC Stamp has been getting for 14+ years. SX/B is easy to learn, but really does require one to understand the SX a little bit to get the most out of it. Many of my programs today are a mix of SX/B (BASIC) and assembly, as there have been lots of good assembly modules available for the SX since it was introduced. This is one of the beauties of SX/B: you can mix high- and low-level code in the same program, and do advanced things like creating "virtual peripherals" to handle background operations while the foreground is doing something. I spend a lot of time using VP UARTS and servo drivers as animatronics is a big part of what I'm involved with at EFX-TEK. BTW, I'm not the only one writing about SX/B. Robert Doerr, a forum regular, has written some really great articles for Servo having to do with a robotics project in which he uses SX chips. I've found bits of his code very useful in my own projects. In the end, and while not perfect, the SX/B help file is your best source of information for SX/B. It goes into good detail on all the instructions and has several example programs that will get you up to speed. To be candid, you'll probably never be spoon-fed SX/B like Parallax did with PBASIC, but you can learn it with a little bit of effort -- and you'll have a really good time, I promise. If it wasn't for SX/B, I probably wouldn't be using the SX as much as I do. ---------- End of Message ---------- You can view the post on-line at: Need assistance? Send an email to the Forum Administrator at The Parallax Forums are powered by dotNetBB Forums, copyright 2002-2008 (