Tom=E1s =D3 h=C9ilidhe wrote: >> The object/method paradigm can be simulated as: >> >> ObjectName_MethodName() >> > > Do you mean ClassName instead of ObjectName? It's a moot point. > When I started out learning about classes in C++, learning about > inheritance, polymorphism, all that stuff, I didn't like the explanation > that it "just works", so I decided to take some object-orientated C++ > code and re-write it as C code, but with the aim of coming out with much > the same machine code. I think this kind of attitude is great for learning. However, eventually = most programmers realize that they're more productive when they use the = largest building blocks available, and treat them as black boxes. [snip] > Anyway the point of me getting into all this is to show that all that > fancy object-orientated stuff in C++ isn't that magical at all, and in > some places it amounts to nothing more than "syntactical sugar". I'm with Tamas on this one. You could code everything in binary, but that = would not be the most efficient use of your time. By letting the compiler, = linker, and assembler do their job, you can concentrate on the design of = your program. The rule of thumb is, use the highest level level language = available for the platform. [snip] > I wouldn't bother putting some sort of "private indicator" on them. I'd > just define them as "static" in the source file and put no declaration > in the header file. Other translation units will never see them. The > situation isn't much different in C++; you just write "private" in front > of it instead of "static". The purpose of the underscores is to visually distinguish private functions = from other types of functions. They are for the benefit of the human readin= g = the code. >> Has anyone else used anything similar in the past? I'd love to hear about >> your experience. > > I started out programming in C++ before I started in C, so I was started > out on the bandwagon of "macroes are evil, use functions instead". I > went along this road for about five years maybe. The only time I would > opt to make a macro instead of a function was when I needed it to > evaluate to a compile-time constant. If this wasn't a requirement > though, I went with functions. My question referred to the practice of using OOP techniques on projects = written in C. > When I got into embedded programming though, I found out that functions > were the enemy. My original Connect4 game was too big to fit onto the > PIC16F684. I went through it and replaced a load of functions with > macroes, and then it fit snug. Neither functions nor macros are the enemy. They're both just code. One is = sometimes more appropriate than the other, but they both have their uses. I prefer to write code in the most straightforward way first, then optimize = the parts that require optimization. > Unless you have a very good compiler that does justice to inline > functions, then I'd shy away from making function for every little > operation. You can use functions or macros, the point is that you can take a cryptic = statement such as: U1MODEbits.PDSEL =3D 0; And convert it into this: Set8bitNoParity(&UartModeBits); There are a number of advantages to this approach, including: 1. The function name tells you exactly what its purpose is. 2. Unlike comments, the function name does not easily get out of sync with = what the code actually does. 3. It avoids duplication of code, enfocing the "one rule, one place" = concept. 4. It helps promote tight cohesion. So far, I haven't seen the need to fully implement C++ features like = inheritance, in C. The effort involved in building the framework, adding = objects, and maintaining the code is substantial, and the benefits are few. = The downside is that the code becomes less readable, and more dangerous. IMO, there are easier ways to achieve the same aims, without the overhead. Best regards, Vitaliy -- = PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at