> Here we go again with your social difficulties. Figure out what you want > to say, then figure out a way to say it. Tomas, I have to disagree with you, really. Olin was helping you. He said measure and make some experiments. You just completely ignored him, and told him that you understand diodes completely. That is rude and ignorant. You open many topics, sometimes 2 or 3 a day, many of them belongs to the same topic you previously opened, and then you did not even make attention to the answers. He just told you that this kind of attitude does not lead to anywhere. And you are using rude words? I do not know what to say, good luck for everything and I really hope you will think it all over again and will show some respect - not to people here, but to the science. Regards Tamas On Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 12:05 AM, Tom=E1s =D3 h=C9ilidhe = wrote: > > Olin Lathrop wrote: > > Tom=E1s =D3 h=C9ilidhe wrote: > > > >> I understand diodes completely: > >> > > > > Yeah, right. With that kind of attitude you'll never learn anything ne= w. > > > > > Here we go again with your social difficulties. Figure out what you want > to say, then figure out a way to say it. > > Do you not think you sound caustic when you respond with "Yeah, right. > With that kind of attitude you'll never learn anything new."? This is > why I called you a dickhead. > > Are you really that arrogant/stupid/delusional that you think I'll > "never learn anything new"? I learn lots everyday. Just today I learned > about step-up regulators. > > Do you realise that you're the *only* person I've had difficulty with on > this mailing list? Notice I haven't had a run it with Jinx, or Dennis, > or Tamas, or BJ, or Mark, or Alan, or Bob, or Byron. These people have > been polite and helpful to me, and I've been polite in return. You, on > the other hand, have just a belligerent old man. > > I didn't invent the diode, granted, and I'm sure you could fill a > warehouse with what I don't know about them, but I know enough to use the= m. > > Can I politely ask that you just don't respond to me in future if you > have nothing good to say. Speaking honestly, if you'd spoken to me that > derogatorily in real life then I'd just punch you in the mouth and be > done with you. > > You're full of venom, and it's only to your own detriment. > > -- > http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive > View/change your membership options at > http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist > -- = Rudonix DoubleSaver http://www.rudonix.com -- = http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist