Tom=E1s =D3 h=C9ilidhe wrote: > = > Dario Greggio wrote: > = >>Hmmm, if that device is going to be a "dongle", making it Ethernet will = >>make it easier to "clone" i.e. any PC will be able to do that (sooner or = >>later). >>A USB slave is (much) more complicated to clone. > = > = > How can they clone it if they haven't got access to the machine code of = > the algorithm? (The machine code is run on the PIC) If it is not a dongle, then (as I said) my question is pointless. I = believed it was a "protection device", a key. If it creates a "result" - = the algorhitm result, then this is different. -- = Ciao, Dario -- = PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at