William "Chops" Westfield wrote: > I've been annoyed for "a > while" that there isn't one definitive circuit for a "lab" supply > that uses 317s as THE major active element... > > Sigh. > BillW > A [definitive circuit for a "lab" supply] does not exist because there is no lab supply that addresses all needs. One that tries to will be: a) too large b) too expensive c) too heavy d) too .... One person doing pic development work wants a wall wart supply; another wants HP-IB to control it from their computer. Someone else wants just enough current for 'simple' stuff; another wants to be able to arc weld with it. And so it goes. For experimenters learning electronics, LM317's are quite useful; I've gotten lots of miles out of them. But after a while, people get tired of re-inventing the wheel and just buy a suitable bench supply. -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist