I started using PIC chips in my college course a couple of months ago, and at the moment I have the Pickit1 and I use it to program the PIC16F684. I'm branching out at the moment though and I'd like to undertake a project where I'll need the following: * A PIC chip that has at least 27 i/o pins. I don't need A-to-D or comparators or anything like that * A programmer that can hook up to my laptop to program the chip, and that can do in-circuit debugging which will allow me to single-step through the instructions and also look at the values held in memory. Can someone please suggest a _minimalistic_ PIC chip that will do the job for me (i.e. one the has at least 27 i/o pins without any extra features), and also can you please suggest a good programmer to use. Preferably I'd like the programmer to hook up to my laptop via USB. -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist