On 5/25/08, Gerhard Fiedler wrote: > FWIW, IE decodes the image URLs correctly and displays the images. FWIW IE does NOT follow the RFC for URL encoding, and that means that when I make a webpage that has windows users copy path information from their file system into a text box on a webpage and post that to my website for various reasons then I have to work around this BUG that IE continues to use to support web developers that don't follow internet standards. I further can't use the standard javascript encode routine to alter the URL - IE just decodes it, so I have to write and debug a new routine that enables a custom encoding (which further must fit within the correct URL encoding, meaning it's much stricter) and then use the reverse on the other end. What IE has done, essentially, is ELIMINATED the use of the \ for anything other than a bad path delimiter - they've dropped a character (for which there is a completely valid encoding - %5C - from the character set. How is that in any way acceptable? It also means new developers get to work around this BUG and waste time while using a perfectly good character: http://silverlight.net/forums/t/16247.aspx http://www.netmechanic.com/news/vol4/html_no18.htm http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/www/revsol.html There are times when one wants to pass a path to the webserver as a parameter for a script. For readability '\' is a perfect answer - '/' isn't allowed except as a path, and no other character conveys to the user what the parameter is about as well. Regardless of how the developer wants to use it, it shouldn't be artificially restricted because it's what windows systems use as a path delimiter - take your MS specific standards out of my web standards, please. What IE SHOULD be doing is converting any "\" to %5C before sending it to the webserver, and not modifying any "%5C" found in the URL. If the web developer insists on using non standard UNIFORM RESOURCE LOCATOR techniques, then they should deal with the conversion on their end, not force clients to adopt their personal style. Trying the correct URL first, and only on error attempting another hit would only increase the load on servers and make it take longer to get the content - slowing down the site. In other words, covering up a problem caused by someone not following standards degrades the experience for everyone. I hope this is still OK for EE - I use backslashes in my embedded HTTP clients, and can't test the server applications from IE. -Adam -- EARTH DAY 2008 Tuesday April 22 Save Money * Save Oil * Save Lives * Save the Planet http://www.driveslowly.org -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist