Sean, On Wed, 26 Mar 2008 20:34:44 -0400, Sean Breheny wrote: > Hi all, > > I live in the Boston area and I like to listen to VHF aircraft comms. > I noticed something odd recently, though: it appears that Boston > Approach is using duplex comms. I hear only the ground to air side of > the communication on 124.4MHz and then an immediate reply from the > aircraft on 133.0 MHz. I found this by chance because I had heard > traffic on both of those frequencies while scanning around and finally > started switching between them. That is weird! > I had thought that the VHF air band was simplex. A quick web search > didn't yield any answers. It *is* simplex, and for good reason - pilots need to hear what each other is saying, not just what ATC are saying - it's a safety thing. Also, the airband isn't very wide, and it's quite crowded - there wouldn't be room to make it duplex. Also, it would be very tricky to rely on pilots to select two frequencies for a single contact - it's just fraught with possible mistakes. > Anyone know what is going on here? No! But they could be using two frequencies at once (one controller handling approach and tower, for example) - then you'd hear the controller on both frequencies, and the pilot on only one. Cheers, Howard Winter St.Albans, England -- PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at