> What do they do in France, and what have the results been? > (France > apparently gets over 75% of their electricity from > nuclear...) True cost would be genuinely interesting. It's very much a political decision. Which doesn't make it a bad one. Just one that needs to be examined carefully. The French are exceptionally keen on being self contained and not dependant on other people for crucial infrastructure. Which has it's merits :-). But this is a major factor in their decision to use nuclear power extensively. They may have made the same decision without this factor, but it needs to be kept in mind when doing comparisons and establishing true costs. I do not know how good their safety records are but I have not heard of any terrible things happening there. Which could be for several reasons :-). Russell -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist