> Wow, so China is actually becoming concerned about the > environment? Not that I noticed in two trips there recently. You probably can breathe in more lead in a 2 day visit to Beijing than is used on the world's supply of smd resistors in a year :-). OK, that's obviously an exaggeration. Make that 5 days. In fact I have no idea how much lead is in the air in Beijing. But on a 500 km odd train ride up to Beijing from a city to the south on the coast the air pollution was constant. And the sources of it were everywhere evident on the trip. In Hong Kong, at about the south eastern extremity, the smog rolls in like thunder out of China 'cross the bay. And I'm reliably told that in the far north west, near the Russian border, that people persist in wearing white clothes despite the fact that the air makes them dirty. In the tourist books of the Great Wall the scenes are pristine and sharp and you can see clearly to the horizon. I have no idea of how this was achieved. In my visit the misty landscape looked rather nice, but it's a "mist" that persists. It will vary with time of day and I imagine that under some conditions the air gets swept clean and the photographers swarm to catch the moment. But wherever and whenever I went the vista was one of unremitting smog. It's very sad, and hopefully one of these decades they may manage to get the country looking as beautiful as it once did. But, until then, I suspect that lead oxide on smd resistors is among the least of their problems. Russell -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist