:: I suspect some creative Gargoyling on flight codes would :: assist there. I think the flight is with Virgin Blue, strip off the VS5 part of the flight number and we end up with DJxxx - however if I go to the wrong airport - it isn't walkable to the other - well not easily anyway. As for Harvey World Travel (Thomas Cook as was), I won't be purchasing anything via their website again - they have my money and are no longer interested in me. Who are TEAL? I prefer having things in writing, I can cogitate, and be less hasty in replies, and of course it's harder to dispute should the need arise. I knew I should have just booked a V-A flight with V-A direct and a domestic flight with V-B - difference in cost would have been an extra $20.00. Still smouldering! Colin -- cdb, colin@btech-online.co.uk on 26/03/2008 Web presence: www.btech-online.co.uk Hosted by: www.1and1.co.uk/?k_id=7988359 Even if faith is lacking, and hope is non existent, you always have charity and compassion to offer. -- No virus found in this outgoing message. Checked by AVG. Version: 7.5.519 / Virus Database: 269.22.0/1343 - Release Date: 3/25/2008 7:17 PM -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist