Apptech wrote: >> However, yes, not only christianity but any religion >> implies the >> existence of totalitarism. >> > > I find that conclusion extremely strange. > I could argue that as a moot in a debate, but I'd be aware > that it was a wholly illogical point even as I did so. The > two can go together, but there is no reason that it has to > be so. Also, putting forward the argument indicates the > implicit assumption that religion is necessarily baed on > false premises. That may (or may not) be true, but having it > as an unconscoius (or unconscious) assumption to one's point > rather spoils argument from a logical basis. > > >> And the history shows that religion was the right hand of >> the leaders >> in the comunist countries. >> > > Has happened. Certainly wasn't always the case. And in cases > where it was the case it did not involve, without exception, > all religion, or even all Christianity. For example, in > Apartheid South Africa or in Nazi Germany the State had the > support of some of the Christian Church. So what? It also > dod not have the support of all of the church. People are > people and will do what they do, regardless of the truth of > God. In the above examples start with eg Huddlestone and > Bonhoffer. At a country wide level start with eg Albania and > Cambodia. > > >> And is still the right hand of the leaders >> in all democratic countries. >> > > One risks a circular argument here :-). > *IF* one is arguing for the merit of democracy and *IF* one > assumes that all that is good and pure and beautiful and > apple pie and motherhood will hie hither to the hand of the > rulers thereof, then the fact that religion is an > accoutrment to such is arguably not an argument FOR it being > a henchman of totalitarianism, but against. If however you > would argue that democracy is dark and arcane then your > argument may carry more weight. > > :-) > > > > Russell > > You missed my comment about all religion eventually being outlawed as a form of mental illness...? You're slipping, young man... --Bob A -- PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at