This may run a little long, so please bear with me. I have a reproduction of a Star Trek communicator prop that contains a chip to handle its limited functions and play back some recorded sound effects. It's original Chinese maker recorded the sound effects poorly, and they're too loud and distorted. I want to replace this chip with another that has properly-recorded effects. The problem is that the chip (an Elan EM57P300AP) requires special programming hardware and software. The chipmaker does not return inquiry emails and there does not seem to be an active U.S. representative for them. So, I'd asked several people for ideas. Almost all of them said "Use a PIC!" (The one that didn't suggested I use a hammer.) After reading some literature I thought that was a great idea; the problem is that there doesn't seem to be a ready choice for a plug-in pin for pin substitute that can handle all the functions. What's required is: - Drive any of three LEDs depending on which switch is closed; - Handle four switch inputs; - Drive a tiny 3-volt motor; - Play back three recorded sound effects (.wav files or similar) depending on which switch is closed. Can anyone recommend a particular PIC that would handle these functions? -- PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at