Vasile Surducan wrote: > Hi all, > > On PIC18F2445 USART RX and SPI SDO are shared on the RC7. > How would you use that pin without external multiplexing device for a > SPI pheripheral and an USART transciever ? > Unfortunately it looks like the original pin for SDO was taken over by the USB functionality so they had to move it. you could put a series resistor between the USART transciever and the pic but doing so would mean you couldn't receive on the USART while talking to the SPI device. Afaict I2C doesn't use SDO, what is the SPI device and is using an I2C one instead a reasonable option? Depending on your perforance requirements big banged SPI may also be an option. -- PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at