In SX Microcontrollers, SX/B Compiler and SX-Key Tool, Bandit wrote: I need help with my timer code: I am trying to decrement a 4 digit LCD display from 90.00 minutes to 0 but the display goes from 1 to 9 with out going through zero. For example 51 seconds to 49 seconds and from 11 it jumps back to 59. Code displayed below. Any help would be greatly appreciated. ' File Timer_RevC.SXB ' Purpose multi use timer ' November 25, 2007 '******************************************************************************************************************* DEVICE SX28,OSCXT2, TURBO, STACKX, OPTIONX, 'BOR26 ' OSCHS3 HIGH SPEED OSCILLATOR BOR26 Brown out reset 'IRC_CAL IRC_SLOW ' TURBO RUNS 4X FASTER THAN COMPATIBILITY MODE. FREQ 20_000_000 'was 40_000_000 ' IRC_CAL calibrates the internal oscillator. SETS THE INTERNAL OSCILLATOR TO IT'S SLOWEST VALUE ID "C_Down" ' SETS THE STARTING POINT OF THE PROGRAM FOR THE ASSEMBLER ' 50 kHz '--------Pin assignments-------------------- Go PIN RA.1 ' start button Clear PIN RA.0 ' clear button DigCtrl PIN RB Segments PIN RC OUTPUT AtFinish PIN RB.0 ' Comparator output bit '--------------------------------------------- ' CONSTANTS '----------------------------------------- Yes CON 1 ' for active-high inputs No CON 0 M_STOP CON 1 ' clock stopped M_RUN CON 1 ' clock running M_CLEAR CON 0 ' clock clear and stopped NumDigits CON 5'5 '*************************************** DecPnt CON %10000000 ' five digit display ' ************************************* '---------Variables-------------------- ops VAR BYTE ' operational mode digPntr VAR Byte ' digital pointer display VAR Byte(NumDigits) ' cuttent display segments '************************************* ms VAR Word 'milliseconds digit clock Var Byte(5) MM03 VAR Byte(1) 'hundredths digit MM02 VAR Byte(1) MM01 VAR Byte(1) 'tenths digit sec VAR Byte(1) 'ones digit sec10 VAR Byte(1) 'tens digit 'blink Var secs.0 '************************************************ ' THE COMPARE STATEMENT SETS RB.1 AND RB.2 AS INPUTS AND SETS RB.0 AND _PARAM1 TO 0 IF RB.1 > RB.2. ' So if the opt isolater is blocked RB.1 > RB.2. The LED lights and the timer stops due to _PARAM1 going high and ' setting to G0 = M_Stop ' Start interrupt routine no code before this routine INTERRUPT 1000 'Rate 1000 ' CHECK ISR EVERY MILLISECOND GOTO INT_HANDLER '**************************************************************** PROGRAM Start '**************************************************************** '----------------------------------------------- ' Subroutine Declarations '----------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE_DISPLAY SUB 0 ' Convert digits to segments '------------------------------------------------------------------ ' Program Code '------------------------------------------------------------------ Start: DigCtrl = %11111111 TRIS_B = %00000111 '0 'was %00000111 CATHODE PINS SET TO OUTPUT Register B; Rb.0 Rb.1 Rb.2 are inputs Rb.3 thru Rb.7 are outputs PLP_A = %00000011 ' pull up the unused pins on RA. Ra.0 & Ra.1 the weak pull up resistor is disable. COMPARE 1, __PARAM1 ' STARTS THE COMPARATOR IN MODE 1; MONITORS rb.1 AND RB.2 OUTPUTS TO RB.0 to see if the optp isolator is blocked ms = 1000 SEC10 = 9 'was 10 'A SEC = 5 'second digit 'was 6 MM01 = 9 'was 10 'A MM02 = 5 '6 59 minutes and 60 seconds MM03 = 0 ops = M_Clear ' adjust Potentiometer to fine tune comparison. Opto isolator is = 5 volts __Param1 = 0 "two underscores before Param1. Main: DO 'ops sets the three mode of operation 0) stopped and cleared 1)running ' 2) stopped; ops is set in the interrupt routine UPDATE_DISPLAY IF Go = Yes THEN ' go button pressed IF ops = M_CLEAR THEN ' were we cleared ops = M_RUN ' yep so we can run ENDIF ENDIF IF Clear = Yes THEN ' clear button pressed IF ops = M_STOP THEN PUT @ms, 0, 5, 9, 5, 9 'was 0000 ops = M_CLEAR ' clear the clock ENDIF ENDIF ' refresh segment array LOOP '----------------------------------------------------------------- ' Subroutine Code '----------------------------------------------------------------- INT_HANDLER: IF ops <> M_RUN THEN Next_Digit 'skip update if stopped ---OPS HOLDS THE CURRENT THREE STATUS OF TIMER - ' STOPPED AND CLEAR, RUNNING AND STOPPED Update_Clock: DEC ms ' increment millisecond display IF ms = 0 THEN ' CHECKS TO SEE IF WE NEED TO WRAP BACK TO ZERO ms = 1000 ' was 100 DEC sec10 ' increment hundredth display IF sec10 = 10 THEN ' 9 DOESN'T WOORK sec10 = 0 ' was 10 DEC SEC ' increment tenths display 'sec10 = 9 IF SEC = 10 THEN DEC MM01 SEC = 5 ' increment seconds digit IF MM01 = 10 THEN MM01 = 0 ' was 10 DEC MM02 ' increment tens digit IF MM02 = 10 THEN 'maximum time ' MM01 = 6 'DEC MM03 ' increment tens digit ' IF MM03 = 0 THEN 'maximum time ops = M_STOP ' stops timer ' ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF Next_Digit: ' Defines which LED is being cycled INC digPntr ' point to next digit IF digPntr = NumDigits Then ' check pointer --- number of LED (5), then resets DigPntr digPntr = 0 ' wrap if needed ENDIF Update_Seqs: ' one display updated at a time Segments = %00000000 ' clears the LED for next digit creates a crisper display. READ Dig_Map + digPntr, DigCtrl ' RB this will shut off all LED' update digital control - DP_Map is a table with one value READ COMMAND gets data from table offsets it digPntr and puts it in DigCtrl Segments = display(digPntr) ' RC this will shut off all LED ' output new segments - Controls the cathode Check_Finish: IF AtFinish = Yes THEN ' CHECKS TO SEE IF OPTO-TRANSISTOR IS BLOCKED; NO = 1 At_Finish = _PARMA1 = RB.0 ops = M_STOP ' MUST PUSH THE CLEAR BUTTON TO RESET: M_STOP = 2 ENDIF IF Go = Yes THEN ' go button pressed IF ops = M_CLEAR THEN ' were we cleared ops = M_RUN ' yep so we can run ENDIF ENDIF IF Clear = Yes THEN ' clear button pressed IF ops = M_STOP THEN PUT @ms, 0, 5, 9, 5, 0 'was 00000 ops = M_CLEAR ' clear the clock ENDIF ENDIF RETURNINT ' reset the RTCC value and re-enables interrupts ' End interrupt routine start program code ' Clear and Start go directly to Ra.0 and Ra.1. Ra.1 going high starts the timer, but the timer must be in mode zero defined as RAO_CLEAR. ' The timer starts by updating ops to M-Run. The timer stops when the opto-transistor goes high causing the comparator to go high the timer ' will be stop by changing the ops mode to M_STOP UPDATE_DISPLAY: ' called only once Read (Table + location) not an addtion, Variable or word so display should be Rc ' this will shut off individual LED READ Seg_Map + sec10, display(0) ' display (0) is the LED for milliseconds 'IF sec10 = 0 THEN 'GOTO SKIPPER 'ELSE READ Seg_Map + SEC, display(1) ' Transfers seg_Map data table into display array. 'ENDIF 'SKIPPER: 'IF SEC = 0 THEN 'GOTO SKIPPER2 'ELSE READ DP_Map + MM01, display(2) 'was Seg_Map ' 'ENDIF 'SKIPPER2: 'IF MM01 = 0 THEN 'GOTO SKIPPER3 'ELSE READ Seg_Map + MM02, display(3) 'was DP_Map ' SETS THE LED COMPONENT WITH DP LIT. 'ENDIF 'IF MM02 = 0 THEN 'GOTO SKIPPER3 'ELSE IF MM03 = 0 THEN display(4) = %00000000 ' Blanks ms display ELSE READ Seg_Map + MM03, display(4) ENDIF 'ENDIF 'SKIPPER3: RETURN '==================================================================================== ' Data tables '==================================================================================== Seg_Map: ' segments maps without DP ' .gfedcba DATA %00111111 ' 0 DATA %00000110 ' 1 DATA %01011011 ' 2 DATA %01001111 ' 3 DATA %01100110 ' 4 DATA %01101101 ' 5 DATA %01111101 ' 6 DATA %00000111 ' 7 DATA %01111111 ' 8 DATA %01100111 ' 9 'DATA %01110111 ' A 'DATA %01111100 ' B 'DATA %00111001 ' C 'DATA %01011110 ' D 'DATA %01111001 ' E 'DATA %01110001 ' F DP_Map: ' segments maps with DP --------sets the cathode ' .gfedcba DATA %10111111 '0. data table for display 3 only DATA %10000110 '1. DATA %11011011 '2. DATA %11001111 '3. DATA %11100110 '4. DATA %11101101 '5. DATA %11111101 '6. DATA %10000111 '7. DATA %11111111 '8. DATA %11100111 '9. Dig_Map: ' Digit select map 'RB-76543210 millisec = RB3 DATA %11110000 '240 DATA %11101000 '232 DATA %11011000 '216 DATA %10111000 '184 DATA %01111000 '120 ---------- End of Message ---------- You can view the post on-line at: Need assistance? Send an email to the Forum Administrator at The Parallax Forums are powered by dotNetBB Forums, copyright 2002-2008 (