> 'hello how are you' in that bored I don't give a f#$%$%%^^$ > about you really tone Within a km of my suburbian home is just about every outlet I need to do all my fixin's and whatnot. The suburb is part-commercial, part-retail and I rarely have to stray far So I run across the same assistants on a regular basis and like to make friends. Plus, in my spirit of "Random Acts Of Kindness" I try to brighten anyone's day at what must often be an I-stayed-at- school-for-this-? occupation Unless you are of a certain disposition, it must be tiring and simply rote to be cheerful to dopey customers all day every day. Occassionally you come across someone who puts the funk back in perfunctory As an example of what > said, I was at the local hardware store's check-out a few minutes before closing. The young lady, who I know has a sense of humour, leant into the store PA and said in a 5:30-I- wanna-go-home voice "Attention customers, the store will be closing shortly. Thank you for shopping at Mitre 10" "Ah, you can feel the love-warmth from here" I said to her She smiled. She knows Russell & co from NZ might know of a hit-and-run in Matakana recently. The victim's husband is a very old friend. We emigrated to NZ together in 1972. So I was visiting her in Ak Hospital yesterday in the neuro ward and noticed how cheerful her corner was. Cards, photos and stuffed toys everywhere (she'll be there for a while in a halo). Also many bright happy helium ballons with Get Well etc messages. I remarked that there could be a market for balloons for people you don't like. "No Hurry" "Take Your Time" "Serves You Right" etc. Other visitors were there with their gloomy "Oh My God dear"'s. Which is appropriate, but she probably gets and will get plenty of that over the next few months. She did get a laugh out through her tracheotomy tube, so stuff the relatives -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist