I would like to see clinical studies or other solid proof of this assertion regarding the behavior of men and women or a retraction of the over generalization of the gender. My wife, my daughter, my sister in law and many of my female friends do not fit that stereotypical description. The person who originally admitted to (purposely) moving slowly with the payment of cash was, I believe, male. The PICList is not a place for making unsupported, stereotypical, gender biased comments. -- James Newton PICList admin -----Original Message----- From: piclist-bounces@mit.edu [mailto:piclist-bounces@mit.edu] On Behalf Of Tony Smith Sent: Friday, February 22, 2008 10:52 To: 'Microcontroller discussion list - Public.' Subject: RE: [OT] Hoist by my own petard > > Jinx wrote: > >> After years of clever-dick messing with shop-staff heads, > one got me > >> back. > > --- snip --- > > Obnoxious, but I like to be deliberately slow getting out > change when I'm paying cash. Usually the clerk gets in a > hurry and keys the bill amount and just totals out before I > ever get out the $0.03 it would take to get me back a nice > pile of silver. Nothing brings a store to a halt faster then > watching them try to make change in their heads! :) I often point how men & women act differently in supermarket queue. Women tend to be startled by the 'and that'll be $$$' comment from the cashier, as if the idea of having to pay had never occurred to them. This leads to a rummage thru the bag, then a rummage thru the purse etc etc. Meanwhile the men towards the head of the queue are jingling the few coins needed to buy the milk or waving a note about, often giving it to the cashier at the same time as the items. All of them waiting are fantasising about punching the woman slowing thing down in the back of the head. Doubly so if she pulls out a cheque book. Cheques, I mean, come on, 1950 was years ago. I think anyone doing it for fun should be hoisted on a petard. Shopping? Yeah, love it. It's tops, mate. Tony -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist