Pat, The CG ROM in the T6963 isn't the std ASCII character addresses. There is an offset of I believe 0z20 or something like that. Check the datasheet for the exact addresses. Regards, Jim ----- Original Message ----- From: "Pat O'Toole" To: Sent: Sunday, February 10, 2008 8:44 AM Subject: [PIC] problem with lm6270syl T6963C based LCD - CG-ROM doesnt work > Hello all. > I've got a good one here....[problem that is] > > Im workign with this 240x64 graphics lcd I purchased from > I have all the wiring correct and it works in CG-RAM mode--- > when I upload my own characters... > > but when I use cg-rom (its internal char set)...I get 'characters' > that dont look like anything...of this earth! :) > > Wondering if anyone else had a similar problem with one of these? > > Its my Solomon and uses the T6963C controller. > > Here are my init commands and what not: > > 03,00,22(c) - set CG-rom offset 1800-1FFF > 80(c) - or mode cg-rom mode > 00,10,40(c) - set text home at 1000h > 20,00,41(c) - set text row at 20h > 00,00,24(c) - set pointer to 0000h > 94(c) - text on, graphics off, > cursor off, display now ON with garbage > B0(c) - start block mode with post > auto inc > 00 .. 00 - send 8K off h'00' to clear > ram and screen > B2(c) - end block mode > 00,1c,24(c) - set pointer to 1C00 start of > cg-ram (char 80) > B0(c) - start block mode with post > auto inc > 00,1F,04,04,04,04,04,00 - set char 80h to T > 00,04,0E,15,04,04,04,00 - set chat 81h to up arrow > B2(c) - end block mode > 00,10,24(c) - set pointer to 1000 start of > text screen (now clear) > B0(c) - start block mode with post > auto inc > xx - send asci char - 20h bias > ....doesnt display correctly... > 80 - correctly displays a T - > cg-ram char 80 > 81 - correctly displays up > arrow > B2(c) - end block mode > > I'm not checking status but for debugging I'm only sending one char a > I know that a busy state isnt the issue. > > I say.. > > 1) I have the init string wrong? > 2) the t6963c is messed up > 3) the t6963c font is chinese or somrthing nuts > > > tried upper case, lower case, and numbers. NOTHING prints correctly > except for my own cg-ram. > > any thoughts? anyone see this problem??? > > HELP! > > Pat > > > > -- > PIC/SX FAQ & list archive > View/change your membership options at > > -- PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at