wouter van ooijen wrote: >> Shooting from the hip here... it sounds like your reset line comes up >> too slow at programming time. > > I had exactly that issue 10 years ago when I started programming 16c84's > using an almost-zero-components serial port progger. ICSP worked, but > only when the xtal was removed. The cause was as Marcel guesses: MCLR > rise was too slow. > > Do you have a cap directly tied to MCLR? > > Wouter van Ooijen Actually, there's no reset circuit. /MCLR is set to I/O mode and the only thing connected to it is Vpp on the ICSP header. (However, if capacitance is still a problem, it bears mentioning that this is a solderless breadboard.) Someone else mentioned that it might be a "use VPP first program entry" thing. I can't test that theory yet because pk2 (the PICkit 2 driver program on Linux) doesn't yet have a Vpp before Vdd setting. I'm working on getting a copy of Win2k on a spare machine to see if this is indeed the problem... Thanks dro -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist