> One link in your message caught my eye: >> http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2008/1/19/herb-triggers-cancer-cell-death.aspx > I'd take anything from his website with a grain of salt. Your loss. I subscribe to his email newsletter, and frequently get close to unsubscribing. Much of what he says is self promotion and much is wrapped in hype and delusion or just plain lies. BUT he is actually interested in the area of health and is an avid acquirer and disseminator of related material - he acts as a concentrated raw feedstock source from which one may more easily mine what gems may pass by. In the current instance, his newsletter was the source of my original information on the subject and it was of enough interest (unlike much else he sends) that a quick gargoyling showed that serious research is being done both on the basic herb which he cites as the source AND of the compound identified as the active agent in this case. I now know that a subset of flavenoids have a selective anti-cancer action in some cases and that some of them also have neuroprotective capabilities and that some Chinese herbal medicines are one source of some of these. I also know that none of this information may ever be of direct use to me. 'Grain of salting' all his material would mean I would have missed that information. While I will quite possibly never benefit from this blob of information directly it does add to my overall knowledge base and allows me to both further filter and to extend my mental "heap". Every now and then this proves useful ;-). So, roll on Mercola and the like, concentrating the sludge for gems for me, to be tucked away for future reference :-) Russell -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist