Agreed, depends on the surface, sometimes need roughening, and always cleaning. And the order of application is a concern also, i.e. most silicones must be applied last, since not much sticks to the silicone. Epoxies may be more flexible, I have a feeling that the actual adhesion to a non-prepared (other than a wipe with a solvent or freshly cleaned PCB surface) will be in the same order of magnitude for epoxies and Iso..., and most others. Might want to provide a mechanical lock at key points like several drilled holes that the adhesive could squeeze through and make a mushroom at the far side, or just in shear adhere to the drilled hole bore. And then to, the epoxy could be filled with some material for strength- milled glass fibers, milled cotton fibers, silica fume as a anti-run thickener, etc. :) A little brainstorming :) Morgan Olsson wrote: >> John Chung wrote: >> It should last for years >> > > Den 2008-01-20 18:15:04 skrev Carl Denk : > > >> I find lots of use for the Gel super glue (Iso..Cyan..) >> > > I have been warned that theese kinds of glues crystallise and crack easily by age much faster than epoxies, PU etc. > So, no good choice for more than short life products / mock-ups. > > A general warning also: make sure the glue sticks during time... > I hav often found in things i repair that glues have broken away from wha tit was ment to hold. > The most obvious foult i made myself together with a friend i halped to install an alarm system, where we neatly glued the cables in corners using melt-glue and it was looking very nice, hir custimer satisfied.. until some months later when it all started falling down. Apparently some chemical in the cable affected the glue. PVC is very unstable in itself so all "PVC" have a lot of chemicals to make it stable, soft, colored, etc... nasty in several ways... > > I also have seen two old Compaq laptop make smoke, I opened and found part of glue in high voltage part of power supply got black... > > -- PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at