wouter van ooijen wrote: > I am switching from Wisp628 to Wisp648. Wisp648 is a new circuit, but it > is 'upwards compatible' with the Wisp628 hardware. XWisp2 1.9.4 is now on my site: http://www.robh.nl/picsoft.php#xwisp2. Included in the package is a modified version of the Wisp648 firmware (1.23rh) to make the Wisp648 compatible with (my modifications) to the Wisp628 firmware (>1.09). After upgrading the Wisp648 firmware to 1.23rh XWisp2 1.9.4 works with both Wisp628 and Wisp648 (apart from some other improvements and bug fixes). Enjoy, Rob. -- Rob Hamerling, Vianen, NL (http://www.robh.nl/) -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist