alan smith wrote: > Thats sorta like the easter egg idea :-) > > "Alan B. Pearce" wrote: >Based on paper work I didn't work on the software and she is > >> using 95% of my own routines etc. Any suggestion ? >> > > Build a routine into the code that has your name encrypted, but displays it > in plain text at startup? > > Put a string in the code giving your name as the programmer? This is using > her 'lack of knowledge' so she does not understand that the data table > (complete with label) that shows > > DB 0x41, 0x42, 0x20 ... is actually a string of ASCII characters. Then any > dump of the code will show your name in the string. > > > Another way to make yours unique is to cause the program to execute a dump out of an unused pin. I store the message containing my name in program memory but with a bit shifted left so it is not readable in any form. The dump I used was a "Manchester-like" code, sent from any digital pin. It is slow but is quite reliable. A '1' is a case where, between two rising edges, the falling edge occurs AFTER the bit's midpoint; a '0', the falling edge occurs BEFORE the bit's midpoint. I had it repeat my name repeatedly, with a 1-second gap between passes. --Bob -- PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at