> etc. Any suggestion ? I had the same thing happen a few jobs ago. I gave it a lot of thought, and decided that it really didn't matter too much. They pay me to do the work, as long as they still pay me, I'll still work. I found out after I left that job that all the upper management knew my work was mine, as they had learned to recognize my style of writing. Maybe I'm just a sucker, but any code I write while "on the clock" is the property of the company anyway. I really have no claim of ownership. Hmm, after reading this response.. Maybe I'm beginning to understand why I am now middle aged, flat broke, and angry at the world. It just might all be my own fault! Well, you got an honest answer, anyway. Lyle -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist