>>> westfw@mac.com 16 Jan 08 13:13:33 >>> >> There is a Russian lady takes my code changes about 1-2 % and >> she removes my name as first version and she puts her name on >> it. This is my 3-th project she is doing it. For some reason >> she has extremely good relationship with her manager. >What does YOUR manager think? Does he or she know that you are doing >this work and someone else is removing your name? If so, this really >becomes a management issue between your manager and her manager. > >It's not necessarily 100% clear what SHOULD happen. From one >perspective, once a new person takes over responsibility for working >with a piece of software, it makes sense that it be their name that >appears prominently in/on the source. I consider it polite and >appropriate to maintain the list of the other people that have had >anything major to do with the code in there as well, but the bad >side of that is that I get questions and requests for fixes and such >on modules that I haven't touched in many years... >BillW My thinking is that there should be a revision history/list/file/comment that shows EVERYONES name, date, and details of what was done. That would help both situations listed in the here. 1) People would be likely to go to the last person to touch the code. 2) Debugging might be assisted, as modules touched should be in the revision history? 3) People get credit. -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist