I have found DigiKey to carry the DS18B20 with reliable stock. They offer the same price per unit on qty=50 that DalSemi wants for qty=100. I just looked and DigiKey has 5900+ on hand ... -- cheers ... 73 de brian riley, n1bq , underhill center, vermont Tech Blog Home of the K107 Serial LCD Controller Kit FT817 Power Conditioner Kit Tab Robot Laser Tag Kit MSP430 Chips and Connectors Propeller Robot Controller SX48 "Tech Board" Kit PICAXE chips and accessories Freeduino systems On Jan 16, 2008, at 10:42 AM, Timothy Weber wrote: > Bob Axtell wrote: >> Anybody using a 1-wire thermometer? Results OK? > > Yup, I agree with everything Mike said. I've used about 1600 of > them so > far and no failures found. > > I have a favorite way to put them on the end of a cable, if that's > relevant to your application. That's the main reason I use them - > if I > were putting them on on a PCB I'd use some other sensor that isn't > single-source, but the TO-92 package makes it easier. > >> Does anybody make except Maxim? > > No. > > But I haven't had any problems getting them in hundreds; so far there > has been 1-2 month lead time, but they've delivered on time. So far. -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist