It is bad not only ethically (It seems she is taking credit for your work), it is bad for the company as they may not come to the right person when problem arises. Without knowing how your company is organised, and not knowing Russian culture I don't know what good this would be... Your e-mail domain company is based in California though? Ethical (?): Send copies to a manager before she gets them, and then show the results after she has worked on them. (Way) Less ethical: Introduce deliberate bugs - this would easily backfire, tending to make you look very bad. >>> 16 Jan 08 11:13:49 >>> Hi to all, At work I do Hardware, Software, Layout. The way we setup is I work on new project "never done" I put together schematic, layout, Software and then deal with customers when finally it is done the project goes to production department. There is a Russian lady takes my code changes about 1-2 % and she removes my name as first version and she puts her name on it. This is my 3-th project she is doing it. For some reason she has extremely good relationship with her manager. Knowledge wise she is very bad. My question is: Removing original person's name as prototype version is this expectable? Today every thing is paper work. Based on paper work I didn't work on the software and she is using 95% of my own routines etc. Any suggestion ? Andre -- PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at -- PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at