In SX Microcontrollers, SX/B Compiler and SX-Key Tool, Zoot wrote: I am thinking about making one of two (mutally exclusive) changes to the attached SX/B driver applicatino for the Serial Inkjet Board. I've got the board on a Boe-bot with a BS2, and I want a way to either share a serial line with a servo controller, or get a better "busy" signal from the inkjet board when it is printing (so I don't have to time moves on the boe-bot -- sort of like busy pin on the Emic). The former is easy enough, I think -- I'll add a required header address that must be received before accepting a command or start of string, (e.g. the serial stream would be "!IJ" followed by regular inkjet commands/string). This would also let me create an add'l command that would just send the prompt, so that the host could just send "!IJP" and expect a something back. A timeout would mean the inkjet is busy. On the latter, (which I prefer, because I have the pins to spare and sending a serout and waiting for the timeout consumes precious time and space on a BS2), my thought was to have the SX drive it's serIO pin LOW whenever it is printing. Since the serial is open true, and the line isn't shared. I think this would work? - host serouts usual inkjet data, e.g. STX, "text", ETX - host then makes serIO an input - inkjet SX holds it's serIO pin LOW during printing; HIGH when done (isn't this the TX IDLE STATE ANYWAY?) - host sees input on serio has gone high, free to send serial data again ---------- End of Message ---------- You can view the post on-line at: Need assistance? Send an email to the Forum Administrator at The Parallax Forums are powered by dotNetBB Forums, copyright 2002-2008 (