In SX Microcontrollers, SX/B Compiler and SX-Key Tool, robotworkshop wrote: [quote="eagletalontim"]With the regulator, can I use it to drop the power down from 12 - 14v to 5v, then control the output to be 12 - 14v to the motor using transistors without causing problems with the regulator? I have never used a regulator before and am still learning as much as I can.[/quote] The answer to your question above is yes! It is one of the most common ways to handle this. To control your motor there is a variety of options. First, how do you need to control your motor?? Do you need just a simple on/off control? Do you need to be able to vary the speed? Also, do you need to control the direction? If you just need simple on/off control then you might just want to use a relay. There are quite a few examples of this for use with the BASIC Stamp. You would control them with the SX chip the same way. An example can be found at: [url][/url] Also, be sure to read through the old Nuts&Volts articles on the Stamps and SX. They are very helpful. You can get them at: [url][/url] For variable speed control in one direction you can consider MOSFET's. If you need variable control in both directions then start looking at H-Bridge circuits. Hope these help, Robert ---------- End of Message ---------- You can view the post on-line at: Need assistance? Send an email to the Forum Administrator at The Parallax Forums are powered by dotNetBB Forums, copyright 2002-2008 (