Please use a valid tag next time. Thanks. On Dec 9, 2007 7:26 PM, Robin Abbott wrote: > Does anyone know if Mchip have updated their serial driver for CDC under USB > for VISTA, I must admit I can't find it on the site. Microchip is using the standard CDC driver from Windows (Win2k/XP/Vista). The issue has been solved quite some time ago with updated INF files. If you install the latest USB stack, the INF file has been updated to support Vista. mcuee@ubuntu710:/media/sda1/MCHPFSUSB/fw/Cdc/inf/win2k_winxp_winvista32$ ls mchpcdc.inf mcuee@ubuntu710:/media/sda1/MCHPFSUSB/fw/Cdc/inf/win2k_winxp_winvista32$ cat mchpcdc.inf ; Windows USB CDC ACM Setup File ; Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation ; Copyright (C) 2007 Microchip Technology Inc. [Version] Signature="$Windows NT$" Class=Ports ClassGuid={4D36E978-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} Provider=%MCHP% LayoutFile=layout.inf DriverVer=08/18/2001,5.1.2600.0 [Manufacturer] %MFGNAME%=DeviceList [DestinationDirs] DefaultDestDir=12 [SourceDisksFiles] [SourceDisksNames] [DeviceList] ; When developing your custom USB device, the VID and PID used in the PC side ; application program and the firmware on the microcontroller must match. ; Modify the below line to use your VID and PID. Use the format as shown below. ; Note: One INF file can be used for multiple devices with different VID and PIDs. ; For each supported device, append ",USB\VID_xxxx&PID_yyyy" to the end of the line. %DESCRIPTION%=DriverInstall, USB\VID_04D8&PID_000A ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Windows 2000/XP/Vista-32bit Sections ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [DriverInstall.nt] include=mdmcpq.inf CopyFiles=DriverCopyFiles AddReg=DriverInstall.nt.AddReg [DriverCopyFiles] usbser.sys,,,0x20 [DriverInstall.nt.AddReg] HKR,,DevLoader,,*ntkern HKR,,NTMPDriver,,usbser.sys HKR,,EnumPropPages32,,"MsPorts.dll,SerialPortPropPageProvider" [DriverInstall.nt.Services] AddService=usbser, 0x00000002, DriverService [DriverService] DisplayName=%SERVICE% ServiceType=1 StartType=3 ErrorControl=1 ServiceBinary=%12%\usbser.sys ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; String Definitions ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [Strings] MCHP="Microchip Technology Inc." MFGNAME="Microchip Technology Inc." DESCRIPTION="Communications Port" SERVICE="USB RS-232 Emulation Driver" Xiaofan -- PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at