This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_02EC_01C81C86.8CD7FDE0 Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1"; reply-type=original Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit >> I'm starting to make an LED headlamp with a small >> PIC12F629 >> as the "brain". The PIC use PWM to drive a IRL3103 Mosfet >> connected to a single power LED. The power source is a >> 3.7V >> Li-Ion battery so I need a voltage doubler to drive the >> gate > If the FET is on the low side (and it's an N-ch device), > do you ? > The IRL3103 spec says gate threshold is 1.0V That's at 250 uA ! However, Fig 1 in the above datasheet says you can get 6A at 0.1V drop TYPICAL with 3.3V gate drive and about 4.5A at 0.1V drop with 3V gate drive. so the PIC has enough voltage. What the PIC doesn't have is the vast oodles of drive that would be ideal to drive the gate hard and fast at very high PWM frequencies - 100mA plus gate currents are "nice". HOWEVER, the PWM doesn't need to be fast - faster than a speeding eye is fast enough - 200 Hz may do, 1 KHz almost certainly would. At that speed the waveform edge can be a bit rounded with minimal losses overall. A trickier questionis, how are you going to ensure the LED is properly driven? This happens to be an area that I've been giving a lot of thought to lately. As it's a headlamp I assume it's 1 Watt plus and maybe 3 Watt or 5 Watt? FWIW the Edison White LEDs seem to offer superb lumens per watt per dollar at present. YMMV. I'd be interested in which White LEDs you choose to use and why and how much. I can share what I've found of late. You can even get a GENUINE 100 lumens/Watt 9at under 1 Watt level) LED now and it's getting better all the time. As an eg Luxeon Star 1 Watt is rated at around 40 l/W typical, use of a higher l/W LED can save battery at the same light levels. I have an Edison Star 3W that at 500 mW gives several times the power of a 2 year old 1 Watt Luxeon and over 50% more light than a 3W new Luxeon Star (also at 500 mW). Retail the Edison is half the cost of the Luxeon. I have 100,000 pricing info... :-). As LED power rises Vf typical tends to rise as well. While you can get binned LEDs with VFs' in the low 3+V region the norm is mid 3V range and the spec sheets say you can get them at > 4V at rated current. Even with a low to medium Vf that doesn't give a lot of voltage margin for the Isense resistor for the constant current driver. You were of course definitely going to drive it in constant current mode, weren't you? :-) Rather than a voltage doubler for your FET gate you may wish to end up with a constant current output boost regulator for your LED ! :-). This is actually not too hard to do [tm] and the experience can be "lots of fun" [tm again]. The magazines have quite a few of them and the web has various examples. See Olins website for some examples using a PIC 10Fxxx. [The 10F gives access to all 3 pins of the comparator - there's a reason that Olin always uses pin 3 as the sense pin :-) ] As the FET is low side drive is easyish. With a boost SMPS you do need higher frequency to get smaller inductor so you will need a gate driver - but 3V is still ample. The classic FET gate driver would be fine (attached) either for a SMPS of if you wanted one for PWM drive. For even greater low drive D1 can be replaced by a PNP - E to E of Q8, B to B of Q8 and C grounded, remove D1. >> Final question: as the PIC is INTOSC running (4Mhz), can >> I use >> the CLKOUT signal on OSC2/GP4 (Fosc/4) for the voltage >> doubler? Yes - but the cap wants to be VERY small to avoid loading the OSC fatally. But, as above, you don't need it ;-) Russell ------=_NextPart_000_02EC_01C81C86.8CD7FDE0 Content-Type: image/gif; name="FETDrive.gif" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="FETDrive.gif" R0lGODlhiQHzAPcAAAAAAAEBAQICAgMDAwQEBAUFBQYGBgcHBwgICAkJCQoKCgsLCwwMDA0NDQ4O Dg8PDxAQEBERERISEhMTExQUFBUVFRYWFhcXFxgYGBkZGRoaGhsbGxwcHB0dHR4eHh8fHyAgICEh ISIiIiMjIyQkJCUlJSYmJicnJygoKCkpKSoqKisrKywsLC0tLS4uLi8vLzAwMDExMTIyMjMzMzQ0 NDU1NTY2Njc3Nzg4ODk5OTo6Ojs7Ozw8PD09PT4+Pj8/P0BAQEFBQUJCQkNDQ0REREVFRUZGRkdH R0hISElJSUpKSktLS0xMTE1NTU5OTk9PT1BQUFFRUVJSUlNTU1RUVFVVVVZWVldXV1hYWFlZWVpa WltbW1xcXF1dXV5eXl9fX2BgYGFhYWJiYmNjY2RkZGVlZWZmZmdnZ2hoaGlpaWpqamtra2xsbG1t bW5ubm9vb3BwcHFxcXJycnNzc3R0dHV1dXZ2dnd3d3h4eHl5eXp6ent7e3x8fH19fX5+fn9/f4CA gIGBgYKCgoODg4SEhIWFhYaGhoeHh4iIiImJiYqKiouLi4yMjI2NjY6Ojo+Pj5CQkJGRkZKSkpOT k5SUlJWVlZaWlpeXl5iYmJmZmZqampubm5ycnJ2dnZ6enp+fn6CgoKGhoaKioqOjo6SkpKWlpaam pqenp6ioqKmpqaqqqqurq6ysrK2tra6urq+vr7CwsLGxsbKysrOzs7S0tLW1tba2tre3t7i4uLm5 ubq6uru7u7y8vL29vb6+vr+/v8DAwMHBwcLCwsPDw8TExMXFxcbGxsfHx8jIyMnJycrKysvLy8zM zM3Nzc7Ozs/Pz9DQ0NHR0dLS0tPT09TU1NXV1dbW1tfX19jY2NnZ2dra2tvb29zc3N3d3d7e3t/f 3+Dg4OHh4eLi4uPj4+Tk5OXl5ebm5ufn5+jo6Onp6erq6uvr6+zs7O3t7e7u7u/v7/Dw8PHx8fLy 8vPz8/T09PX19fb29vf39/j4+Pn5+fr6+vv7+/z8/P39/f7+/v///yH5BAAAAAAALAAAAACJAfMA Bwj/APcJHEiwoMGDCBMqXMiwocOHECNKnEixosWLGDNq3Mixo8ePIEOKHEmypMmTKFOqXMmypcuX MGPKnEmzps2bOHPq3Mmzp8+fQIMKHUq0qNGjSJMqXcq0qdOnUKNKnUq1qtWrWLNq3cq1q9evYMOK HUu2rNmzaNOqXcu2rdu3cOPKnUu3rt27ePPq3cu3r9+/gAMLHky4sOHDiBMrXsy4sePHkCNLnky5 suXLmDNr3sy5s+fPoEOLHt3QjOnTqFOrXs26tevXsGPLnk1b9pjauHPr3s27t+utvoMLH96aCvHj yJMrX84aOPPn0FEbj069uvXnpE1SMXk6u3eK20t2//9O/mF4kuPLq1d4fmT69fALthf5Pr79+SHr 24ePH6T+/er199F/AJInoEcEFpjdgQiapuB6DCJExYT4TahQgg+CFqGEA7W3IYYZfrahQeeVWJqD IRoYEYUeUnghiil+N2KH+8xnIkIgxujZjDUK5CGNOMKoo3cz3uijhQnlOGRnPFKk5JKaNemkkFCG JuWUZlQ52pVYamnlSU96GRmXFYUppmNklknlmZilOZGZbDbmZkRwxsnYnA/VaedieJ6Y5Z6c9bmQ noAqJmiSaxZa2aGI/qnoZYw2+iik3CU6KZpgWnopnygRumlfkTLk6ad8hfqio6RiWimqqcp5kqmt yv8F60GzxvpWrfLZ+hiuBPGqq1q++virq9oNe+erxnJabLKJBdsjs4g56yy0YI16JIsu9kqtYZ5m SyuS027blZ5INuStQ+fWWG5Z52LbKpzrohsve0A+a+9YRoarnplkhldkvUbiC/CvYfarLUMBpytW vgpf+qTBuS603cQDs9tjf/pmpyTG8x5MosTCVkyWvx5nTFqOAjYcMofsUdxhx2FZ2KLJJ2u6Mokw b0izuFCBeGDDI+7Ms1MYMqgwj0IPvVTRLdsIUdJKJ5VghO1KBHXURk0tcblcXo01UVo3ffPTX9dF oM4yW+R12UCdjbDK5rEtl9tb47m23D3RLfZFd+P/vZMZ2AYu+OAY9R3V4IY7pndCcMc9GNyN67i4 hDCTDR7QMSOdOGKTf2t3RQGr+1XlLXvZOc6fg1fvxV7NuTlhYTMeOcigV31vVn2+LljslLs8kZu+ X0v64RvpDhjvno/tuOq3K18V2v8OybTsoZvL9+rOTxX08B6nOH3v3Vu/V5Hch/+gz9RHLP749AqP +Pvvr4c++OobXSrt6kpp/F4o059r5fsDCtVepr8YbSx5nsMYqBBGQKt5z2bma9q8AihABl7LgSEq mLzchT296KyBK3ogq/D3Nm9RsIIWzN/6shcfeGkubX8JGgjbF0H7kOuFgZHhBWlYwxZCcG8IPGFQ /3SoQsax7Hw/LGHg1OcXIsKPcCyEj7WW18T1NS5lGUxiRoSIQvxFToEZmiK6cmhF7lUoiyMECRd/ 4sTyOS2MWiycYD64Q8vBMY0fWSMbUzi7j6FxWR4ZIA+LQsci2hGJeAxkHptHo58xUiiCNOQYRagd 3dAQjIysHkGu85tB+lGSKzxIIkUjRlHpBn5MvN0bCTi43ExnOE+MJStjScsJjRI0pTRlbuyIySad EjkprNshRRnHzRStY4IqZfD+V5KMbQ9putyXzUjWq2QWk4S0AmRKoDfJQV0zM99b5UVyOROaHWpG 5FTcNLFnzVsOZWe5y9M3MRPOVKrJnZB8iesgkv/OxkzvjBnpJ0ySVr5s8nOelzlmhQrqTXwOUSYM FR2dEGoZgR7UoV2MyRUjukmKVsai8sToHm0SP4uANDEn9ZNT9Nil8qQ0mk1pEgfrmJOXcsujAcXp TSBmL93ZtDA/lVRMf3dEnAR1MEclpkh9ciUs/k2nkkmqQaRKkgIa9KlLBSdUTbpVmsi0qDqh6l/E OhCyhkSmLJolVqWZ1Y6YVY1YeSv/utrSd9ayj0KRq17qBMCJthWid+WoT/SaF76mTEqE5QjHnpLY uxgWgSGN6QRZeiq2Wm2hHG1s4dJaTcbSVZ1ZjddMHaJZtS2RKqWly2NnidjPtgRxqHUtY1abP87/ RhYpqJRKaueyWije1iiyjMpuv8Kby9Z2tCoFLi2FK1vHvpI2gY3uXY8S2J419y7Ppc3vJuZbq0jX s39diW2PuxRp+UtwC4vrdRW5MsoaUTslOi1Y3OvXkfb0Keat5nhbp97wqmS8+6Xuq2wUYK7Q96J7 dKRS8isfvFLlwL/lCTXbW94BQ3Z0/bXvzJjCYJyl9yrD5S983zvfDEeru48kllVCzGEAgmtRJp4j Dp822bxAmLTrnW9TGZow9oE4xyLGYPTu6+MVA9nAzIuiyAosqxjfj6j2/JjvNBmXGyf3yQ2231VZ 9iMlt8XKMC1ylkm85W/dy8HAcjJefpazYBpK/83YTd8nPXkYFnPEzva9sJc7eFP/BgXPTAXinvkM 1CPLBNASFiah6Qw7Q8cE0TuhGtegjFJHwwTSOpH0hEOoGExz1c8fFhvwOm3pl0A6kmAtnhKvV2lQ /wTRy9SWI03FTVZzrtQuAbQmd73ofbyGzP4DHaldPVhcUw/F4lRlllvJGumi19Z1NjZLPE3hT/qy k2XWM6WjTey8SXuLKY71IhWttmH/uNvixeZZSyjHVp/bxuyGdp/fDW8JltvcRkZ3kMGXJjAXW99h /fZQ98bTWwO8pgIfuP+aOtuEd8rhFZbzoHu9O4ivCsuoi3KquU1vD0pcZNnmeL4XqO2LKbjhB8U3 qsU5XPLahtzgHce4EgEK2pjL/Ni2ewy161rFDU46Mjt/08rx+0Jxo9zmMZxxVIfuHqYfzsWbhkzQ JTJ1uz6b4u4euWX8nTWn58frJZ5M1RG8dcqMPcKT4XpRzo7jlMdZ7GAfUNz3LfW5u9XuSIa7223C doUDHe8bSSwnBz+b7BL+8IhPvOKxg6XFO/7xkI+85CevmntS/vKYz7zmN18bv3n+86APvehHT/rS m/70qE+96lfP+ta7/vWwj73sZ0/72tM+IAA7 ------=_NextPart_000_02EC_01C81C86.8CD7FDE0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline -- PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at ------=_NextPart_000_02EC_01C81C86.8CD7FDE0--