In SX Microcontrollers, SX/B Compiler and SX-Key Tool, Zoot wrote: OK, dude, I cut this whole thing way down. I think this will work -- it compiles, but obviously I can't test it. That said, this does NOT do scrolling per se, it just prints characters to the display from text string message. See comments in code regarding why only last two chars of any message will "print". I'll leave it for you to do "sliding window" work -- basically you would wrap my DISPLAY_MSG function in new code that chooses the start and end characters of the string, so instead of dumping characters from the string till "0" is reached, you would, say, start with character 0 and print character 0 and character 1 (two character display), pause, then print characters 1 and 2, etc. till "0" is reached. The biggest difference in my little piece of code is that nothing is held in buffers -- the characters are dumped straight through. If you do sliding window, this will save you a lot of work. That said, for cool scrolling (one column at time, for example) you would either need to redo the code so that columns are dumped (I think this will be very tricky since your drivers want pixels L to R, T to B), OR you would need a BIT BASED buffer that you can manipulate. At 8 bytes per display square, this isn't too much, but if you don't get the code I wrote that takes a BIT based image map (rather than your very very long BYTE based maps), a bit-based buffer may confuse you. Keep in mind that the RoboBadge is 1/0 for pixels, no colors, very quick. Last but not least, I wasn't thinking straight earlier -- to avoid the whole FIRST IN, FIRST OUT conundrum with characters, if you are using my code, put the LAST display (right most char) on the D line from the Stamp, and put the DOUT from that display to the DIN of the LEFT char. In other words, cascade them in reverse -- if the "first" 8x8 backpack on your display is actually wired "last" in the cascade, then when you dump the FIRST character out, it will end up at that driver. I sure hope this is helpful. I also can't encourage you enough to buckle down and create your bitmap ASCII art -- I did some characters (see my notes in the code) but remember you need 8 bytes of binary info for each char (not 64 bytes as in your char maps). ---------- End of Message ---------- You can view the post on-line at: Need assistance? Send an email to the Forum Administrator at The Parallax Forums are powered by dotNetBB Forums, copyright 2002-2007 (