In SX Microcontrollers, SX/B Compiler and SX-Key Tool, tdg8934 wrote: Thanks Zoot. This is what is running: [code] DISPLAY_RGB1: FOR tmpB1 = 0 TO 255 step 8 tmpB2 = tmpB1 tmpB3 = 0 LOW ChipSel DELAY_MS 1 DO WHILE tmpB3 < 64 READINC Ltr_Space + tmpB2, tmpB4 tmpB4 = tmpB4 * color SHIFTOUT DataIn, Clock, MSBFIRST, tmpB4 INC tmpB3 LOOP DELAY_MS 1 HIGH ChipSel DELAY_MS 100 NEXT RETURN [/code] The problem happens when you change the DO WHILE tmpB3 < 64 to anything higher (in this case 127) DO WHILE tmpB3 < 127 I do see strange results for anything over 65 or so. I think this is because of the 64 byte buffer in the controller that the documentation (attachment) indicates. If this is the case, why have DataOut? I also had some problems following your previous posting. In particular: [code] messagePntr = address 'point to data address of first character of text string [/code] How do I find out the data address? Isn't this CharMaps: ? or Ascii_Set: ? If so then why do you reference CharMaps later? [code] READ --> from (charMaps+char)*8 into tmpByte2 [/code] You can't have a complex line in SX/B like this. Please explain a little bit more. Also was I supposed to use this within the SCROLL_LF routine as I previously posted OR is this it's own routine in place of it? Is there anyway to do 5x7 characters instead of 8x8 (as I would rather use a dataset already made). If not ok, but just asking. Sorry for all the questions. I just want to understand this clearly. Thanks so much! ---------- End of Message ---------- You can view the post on-line at: Need assistance? Send an email to the Forum Administrator at The Parallax Forums are powered by dotNetBB Forums, copyright 2002-2007 (