So I really havent done much with 16F serial, and the 18F stuff I can get to work flawlessy (so far at least), so I am having a small issue with this code on the '913 To preface, it works...almost. I have a string defined such as it uses a jump table to index into it, and has a null on the end to terminate. I can address into it, grab the character and it sends it out, so the USART is setup properly, and single stepping it displays each character, so far so good. Now, when I do it full speed....I lose characters. I'm thinking...ok....the buffer isnt clearing out by the time I go to get the next character and send it. Cheating....add delay. But doesnt fully explain things. So here is the code that sends the character, held in Wreg TX_CHARACTER banksel TXSTA bsf TXSTA,TXEN banksel TXREG movwf TXREG _txCharLoop call DEBOUNCE btfsc TXSTA,TRMT ; check buffer, wait till empty (1=empty) goto _txCharLoop bcf TXSTA,TXEN return This code is the one that works yet drops characters. If I pull out the debounce call, it breaks. I was thinking that checking the TRMT bit should do the job without the delay but doesn't appear to. I was thinking banksel needs to be set prior to looking at the TRMT bit, but adding that breaks it. So I can break it...meaning that it might send the first character or just a '.' It has to be something obvious, but what I've play with doesnt seem to help. I am running a 4MHz xtal, with the BRG and SPRGH settings for 9600baud, 8/n (if that was wrong then i would imagine I wouldnt be getting out good data at all). Any thoughts? --------------------------------- Tonight's top picks. What will you watch tonight? Preview the hottest shows on Yahoo! TV. -- PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at