As it was well buried I'll haul this out and make one last (perhaps :-) ) comment. > If you continue to insist that we should ignore the actual > report and believe the words that you, and you alone, are > saying then I'm willing to change my mind about your > motives. I'll accept your apologies in due course :-). If I alone were standing up for truth and telling you what the IPCC's own science says, using normal everyday scientific language, then I would be no less right, but the world would be a sorry place. Fortunately there are numerous people commenting on the IPCC's P=0.1 figure. I found a few with the quickest of Gargoyling and there will be any number if one wishes to spend the time digging. I do not overly feel the need to spend the effort digging up factual references about factual data for people who call me a liar after I've been as clearly stating the available information as clearly I reasonably could for quite some while. Gargoyle, properly used, will provide all the assistance you need to establish both my veracity and the fact that I am not a lone voice. Sadly, the IPCC published their policy guidance documents and related material in early 2007 but at that stage declined to "initially" publish the detailed data on which it was based. They said that this would be released in due course. This decision has been, not surprisingly, roundly condemned in some quarters. Just as unsurprisingly , in other quarters it causes no concern at all. Also not surprisingly there seems to be significant correlation between the areas of concern and non-concern and a group's conclusions about the IPCC's work in general. When what is meant to be the greatest issue facing mankind today is conducted behind closed doors with (very) voluminous interpretive reports being issued but with the data on which they are based 'not available' then it needs a few voices crying in the wilderness to wake up those who care to listen. The cynic may wonder if the IPCC is hoping to create a political and action 'bow wave' with their conclusions prior to releasing the data. Or perhaps hoping that more processing or new data will help firm up the indications of statistical significance. Or ... ? By all means, after ignoring anything I have said that is clearly "just" opinion, if I have said anything that is clearly or apparently non factual, point it out and I'll either show why you are wrong or alter my position. My ain is to know truth, not to manufacture my own version to combat IPCC's variety. Russell -- PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at