Postscript: Added after all the following. That took an hour to write. My *only* aim in all areas of science and engineering is to know the = truth as well as it may be known. When I see organisations, small or, = as in this case, very very very large and influential, prostituting = the name of science and truth in the causes of vested interest in all = its flavours with their promises of la =EDnsula Barataria, then I feel = compelled to, yet again, summon up Sancho Panza and Rocinante and = sally forth to tilt vainly at these giants who would usurp the place = of sense and truth. And so, to battle ... NB: NONE of the following should be taken to mean that I think that = anthropogenic global warming *definitely* isn't the major factor in = global climate change. It may be. But so far that's not something that = passes normal scientific scrutiny. Also, I think that we should be = taking prudent measures to address what MAY be happening if there's = any chance that failing to do so will cost us far more dearly in the = long term than doing nothing now. And I've said that before here. BUT = the present process is filled with lies and deception and it's not the = way to do science or to find truth. By doing it wrong we are less = effective than we could be and it costs a lot more in the process, and = a lot of cynical people get rich along the way. __________ It's 6:10am by the clock, or 5:10am real time biologically, as we just = had daylight saving yesterday and it takes a day or three for the body = to get accustomed to the change. Just back from the airport after half = a night's sleep and dropping our daughter off for an unconscionably = early flight 'across the pond'. Should be going back to bed, and I = will, but I'll first dispose of the borderline accusations and see if = I can shift them across to the IPCC. - First, yes I got the URL wrong and I was indeed, as you deduced, = intending people to look at the most prestigious*pro* global warming = site that there is. Thanks for the correct - Second, in a number of emails on this list on this topic I have = clearly (as far as I know) stated that the latest IPCC findings have a = P value of 0.1, which is what has been noted in various journals. As = far as I know The IPCC have not yet published all the details of the = findings on which their earlier summary was based, but they may have = done so. Either way, as long as they do not do a running revision, the = detail data should support their published P=3D0.1 finding. You have = correctly navigated their site and translated their woolly "very = likely" to P=3D0.1, as I said. Note that they say >90% rather than >=3D = 90% and odds are it would more properly read ~~=3D90%. I don't know the = exact figure but the important thing is that it's clearly not able to = be categorised as P=3D0.05. This is significant because, as I have said = a number of times [ =3D AIHSANOT], P=3D0.05 is the generally accepted = boundary for statistical significance. P=3D0.1 is, as I have also said a = number of times, either "not statistically significant" or sometimes = "tending towards significance". The gap between 0.1 and 0.05 is AIHSANOT not a minor one. Any number = of thesis writers, investigators, researchers, and seekers after = grants have AIHSANOT looked with dismay at a P=3D0.1 value for their = data and known that it will not pass the hurdle of peer review/funding = committee/ ... . This is the standard probability level at which = statistical significance is attributed. AIHSANOT coin tossing and = other real world experiences will have made many of us aware that = quite unlikely *appearing* series of events / outcomes are a natural = feature of events governed by the normal distribution. Even "tending = towards significance" can either firm up into significance with time = or, just as often, again fade back to less apparently correlated to = the matter under investigation. - Third, AIHSANOT the IPCC has a very very very strong vested interest = in proving the "Global Warming" is principally anthropogenic in = origin. Without attributing ANY purposeful cooking of figures, without = suspecting ANY purposeful omission of data which badly hurts their = aim. without thinking that ANY bad or biased or flaky science is being = purposefully practiced, one can conclude that it is somewhere between = "Virtually certain > 99%" and "Extremely likely >> 95%" probability of = occurrence that all of the above has happened inadvertently. Based = entirely on proven occurrences in the last decade or so this is = observed fact and there is every reason to believe that this has not = been totally eliminated. Human nature is such that in any large = organisation, and the IPCC as an umbrella organisation for the whole = GW drive is a very very large and diverse organisation, that someone = somewhere will be failing to meet intended standards. The important point from this AIHSANOT is that, with the very very = very best science that money can buy, IPCC have not managed to = demonstrate that their key thesis is statistically significant. This = is NOT to say that it is in fact not true. Just that so far the most = enthusiastically biased science that they can justify has not proven = that it is. To cite two very significant examples: - The famous "hockey stick" global warming curve which was much = promoted was found to be due to incorrect management of data and it is = now recognised by all in the field that it in no way represents = observed phenomena. Not surprisingly, the fact that this was = discovered by people outside the IPCC is not surprising as with the = best will in the world it is hard to see that one's directions are = wrong when one is intricately encased within the machinery. It is felt = by some that the 'hockey stick' was a result of purposeful cooking of = data, but it is unnecessary to attribute to malice that which can be = explained by good old every day human nature. This subject has been so = very thoroughly discussed on web that Gargoyle is an ample reference = source. - It has long been claimed that NASA satellite data showed a = significant amount of ocean level increase (millimetres) in the last = decade. It has quite recently been shown, and acknowledged by NASA, = that the apparent increase was caused by a change in NASA data sources = in the year 2000 without a corresponding change in processing = methodologies. Unfortunately NASA, for whatever reason, declined to = release their data sources to independent researchers who suspected = that this is what had happened and they had to laboriously reverse = engineer the data to demonstrate the error existed. NASA subsequently = confirmed this was the case and have now revised their published data = to remove the statistically significant (apparent) variation. I'll not = dig up a reference now but anyone who cares can find it in a prior = post of mine or, if preferred, email me and I'll dig it out when next = awake. ________ It's worth noting as an aside that the measurement of ocean levels is = a far far far far more complex task than is appreciated by almost = everybody. Variations of over 5 metres are caused by ocean currents = such as the Gulf Stream. Variations of a metre or more can be caused = by multi-seasonal variations such as El Nino, and decades long and = ocean wide cyclical variations may drop levels on one ocean side by a = metre or more and raise it on the other side by a similar (but not = identical) amount simultaneously. So, measurements of changes in = sealevel due to "new" mechanisms can only be made after properly = modelling a large number of cyclical variations whose magnitude may = exceed the expected measurement by factors of more than 1000 to 1. I = can dig out references to all this if desired but so can Gargoyle. _______________ SO > Your rephrasing of their statement to, "there is no statistically > significant indication that anthropogenic global warming is the main = > or a > statistically significant contributor to climate change", is at best = > very > misleading. No. Not at all. The statement by the IPCC is very misleading and verging on (from one = side or the other) attempts to turn clear scientific knowledge into = populist lies. The phrase "not statistically significant" will have been heard in a = number of meetings amongst IPCC scientists over the last decade, but = it never gets into the briefings for politicians or almost any of the = news releases. > I'm tempted to say that this is an intentional agenda driven > totally dishonest misrepresentation of the IPCC's conclusions. = > However, > there is the possibility that you simply misread the report so, I = > won't > accuse you of outright lying and intentional dishonesty. It's interesting to see that you exclude the option of my being = correct :-) 1. I have no agenda apart from wanting to know the truth as well as = it may be known. 2. I am not "tempted to say" - I DO say, that the IPCC are an = agenda driven organisation misrepresenting their own scientific = conclusions to politicians and the public generally in order to pursue = their aims. Their public statements are not false per se but they are = dumbed down and couched in such language as to purposefully mislead = while appearing and purporting to make clear. While many of their member scientists may well not be either outright = liars or intentionally dishonest it is about impossible to not = categorise the organisation as a whole in any other terms. _______ Let's run part of that again ... > Your rephrasing of their statement My "rephrasing" is simply taking what they have said and turning it = back into the clear scientific statement that they started out with. They started with a good clear scientific statement and then, with no = doubt the best intentions of rendering it intelligible to the masses, = wrapped it in cotton wool and hid it's true scientific meaning. What I = did was to restate their starting point. FINDING their actual numerical starting point on their site may (or = may not) be slightly harder than finding what they say they mean by = "very likely". _____________ > If you continue to insist that we should ignore the actual report = > and believe the words that > you, and you alone, are saying then I'm willing to change my mind = > about your > motives. Jawas at dawn. 25:1 petroil ratio. No chainguards. Please advise the contact details of your second. and > that you, and you alone ... Sancho, bring me my armour! If I am the only person telling you (or everyone else) what all = scientists everywhere understand when they see a P=3D0.1 figure, and/or = if you don't know that yourself already, then I really have a hard job = ahead of me :-). If you can produce the actual P value that the IPCC based their "very = likely" on *AND* demonstrate that it does not mean essentially just = what I've been saying then I'll be willing to change my mind about you = :-). [[Don't take that badly. Please. It's easy to let the 'big boys' = confuse the general populace and sometimes it needs more than gentle = murmurings to get people to see how many clothes the emperor really = has on. If it turns out that he's more fully dressed than is presently = apparent I'll be happy to admit it]]. Russell = -- = PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at