I had some boards one time, a bunch of clip leads, batteries, and a PIC programmer. My laptop bag also happened to test positive for explosives when they swabed it with the little cotton things that go in the machine. I still wound up getting through in a few minutes with no trouble. We also had one of our techs at work get stopped one time with a home made piece of test equipment for a marine radar. It was shipped to us from the radar maker in Germany and the box and it tested positive for explosives. He was nearly strip searched and detained for about an hour. Brian Kraut Engineering Alternatives, Inc. www.engalt.com -----Original Message----- From: piclist-bounces@mit.edu [mailto:piclist-bounces@mit.edu]On Behalf Of Nate Duehr Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2007 6:53 PM To: Microcontroller discussion list - Public. Subject: Re: [OT] Taking PCBs and things as a carry-on Mike Hord wrote: > Frankly, in a day and age where illuminated signs depicting a > space alien flipping the bird can be cause for a city-wide > shutdown, I'm more than a little nervous about carrying anything > other than wildly common consumer electronics on an aircraft > (checked OR carry-on, even). Why? What are they going to do to you that has you so fearful? Delay you for a few hours and detain you? (Just asking to see how deep your level of paranoia goes. Yes, one of our engineers was strip searched in Tel Aviv once and all he was carrying was a laptop and his cell phone. But so-far, at least... one can still say, "that's just Israel". Not seeing too many outbreaks of that level of freak-out here in the States, yet.) > That said, the tack I would take is simple: show up at least > three hours early for your flight and be COMPLETELY > prepared (padded, pre-addressed, pre-paid static safe mailer > in hand) to send the objects in question back to yourself. Never a bad idea, I guess... but our company's field engineers travel with a lot more "strange" stuff than a couple of PCB's in a bag, worth a lot more money, and have no way to send it all home -- unless they leave the airport, go to the FedEx counter and ship it. And guess what... they could just ship it to wherever they were originally going and have it delivered to the hotel anyway... and in some cases, the FedEx package would ride on the exact same aircraft, if they were flying to the boonies. Seems like common sense would say that having a real business card for an electronics business in your pocket would go a long way toward not being overly-harassed, if you have a couple of PCB's in your carry-on. That and making sure that none of your devices have attractive countdown timers that count down all the time, with enormous LED segmented displays, like all the bombs on TV have. LOL! Nate -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist