In SX Microcontrollers, SX/B Compiler and SX-Key Tool, ellizard wrote: HI all, Having done the rpm count on my boat's engine. I had to reinvent the sensor due to extremely high cost of the original from Volvo Penta, I painted black half of the circumference of the fly wheel, the other half is painted white, and an ir sensor detect the black (or(the white as by personal preferences, I've had help from DR. Tracy Allen for solving the equation necessary, and after several testing, I've found that if the two halves of the fly wheel are similar enaugh in length, with the measurement of only one half, the error in the readings was pretty the same than having the two readings. I acclude the File I've done. Hope this could be useful........ Best Regards Stefano P.S. The program use an DS1603 RTC/elapsed time for taking count of the time the engine is on (maintenace purpose), An MAX7219 for displaying the time/RPM in a five digits 7 segments LED display, (with a little trick, the fourth digit is reversed to accomplish the thousand points that in italian notation is on the upper left) It was developed for the BS2, but I think it could be easily translated for SX28/48 (may be even eliminating the MAX 7219?) I tried to make the porting to sx but lack of time togheter with being the project already done, tested and made, (plus some lazyness from me). I never accomplished this task. ---------- End of Message ---------- You can view the post on-line at: Need assistance? Send an email to the Forum Administrator at The Parallax Forums are powered by dotNetBB Forums, copyright 2002-2007 (