Jeanette need only read the last few lines. Balance optional: I've noted that Google's search capabilities seem to be getting squishier over time. Results which do not contain all the search terms seem to be creeping towards the top of the heap (quite apart from obviously sponsored ones) and it seems harder to craft searches to eliminate the rubbish. But, now it seems to be going blind. I used "GBAK" as an acronym in a sign off string on (gasp) MSN 88 TTFN CU GBAK ... ignoring the merits of such a string, consider this. Gargoyling gbak god bless and keep Produced 20 hits, with this as #2 ... used to use GBAK (more politically correct than God bless and keep ... And this as number 3 ... , GBAK, God bless and keep, my friend ... BUT gadflying "God bless and keep" gbak produced NO hits, and gagging "God bless and keep" also produced no hits ie Googlegagglegargoylegadflyga... is unable to find results which match a criterion, which a prior search could find. NOW I understand that this MAY be able to be simply explained away by the original basis of G's operation which was to rate by links to pages with results which match the search criteria (or variants similar to that) BUT it seems truly pathetic that searches as above can fail for whatever reason on the flagship of the organisation that is trying to be the owner of all the world's data. If it succeeds, while still performing at anything like the above level, then our data is in real trouble. Conclusion: Lock up your datas! :-) No. It wasn't all written just to make that terrible pun. It just occurred to me at the end. All the rest is bona fide. Russell And, yes, I know. Datum, data Die, dice Rie, rice? Rum, ra? Plenum, plena (probably). Decorum, decora. .. :-) -- PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at