> It's summer here... isn't it summer there too ? Well, it's *not" summer. That's a kind of summer > the world's flat, don't ya know ? As I have cabin fever I see no reason not to go along with that but Just so this doesn't become an aren't-we-funny tennis match In the excellent series by Terry "I used to dress up as middle-aged frumps, you know" Jones, Medieval Lives, I learned that Flat Earth was the doing of......a fairly-recent American http://observer.guardian.co.uk/comment/story/0,6903,1143405,00.html "The idea that they thought it was flat was invented by an American journalist by the name of Washington Irving. In 1828, he wrote a biography of Columbus in which he described the great man confronting the Church leaders who accused him of heresy for claiming the earth was round when the Church taught that it was flat. The meeting never happened and the Church never taught that the earth was flat. Irving simply made it all up. And yet it's stuck. It's just one of the many, many misconceptions about the medieval world that we don't seem able to shake off" And who says TV doesn't educate ? See the series if you get the chance. Any of his documentaries actually, they're all good stuff. "The Story Of One", "Barbarians", etc. Ditto Tony Robinson's "Worst Jobs In History", "Time Team" etc -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist