I and my partner will be giving a presentation in Athens soon and we would like to include your input. Your name and personal data will not be included, just your responses to the survey. Please send response by Tuesday evening ( 20070529 ). One ( or more ) respondents will be selected to receive a gift from Greece or Italy. Best Cedric Please indicate a hero ranking for each of these people. 10 is spectacular and 1 is the pits. 0 ( zero ) means you don't know the person. Pretend all the people are real. Skip any that you want to. example: 1) George Washington ??--> 8 Add any comments about these people after the list. 1) President Bush ??--> 2) Ron Paul ( http://ronpaul2008.com ) ??--> 3) Christopher Hitchens ??--> 4) Pat Tillman ( killed in Iraq ) ??--> 5) Mother Theresa ??--> 6) Rudy Guilani ??--> 7) Autrey ( the new york subway saviour ) ??--> 8) Donald Trump ( gave Autrey $10,000 ) ??--> 9) Batman ( the dark knight ) ??--> 10) Superman ??--> 11) 9/11 firefighters ??--> 12) "Let's roll" Passengers on Flight 93 ??--> 13) Einstein ??--> 14) Richard Feynman ??--> Comments go here ----> List your favorite hero a) who is a regular person ??--> b) who is a politician ??--> c) who is in sports, business, entertainment ??--> -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist