This is both a request and a reference to resources: I'm looking for a set of algorithms which allow the characteristics of moist air to be determined. Lots of people seem keen to sell me books and programs on the subject and there are numerous online calculators covering the core variables. The essential algorithms which I'm after are here, courtesy of the ASHRAE handbook. This rather messy set of algorithms will probably allow most requisite calculations Not rocket-science but annoyingly fiddly. Question: has anyone got any useful comments on the subject and/or practical useful algorithms for psychrometric or hygrometric calculations. These may be simplifications to or modifications of the ASHRAE algorithms or distilled arcane knowledge or ... . Russell ____________________________ Other resources: Online calculators of various capabilities Books Distressingly thick book give the title :-) - "Understand Psychrometrics" Looks good Search list - hygrometry tables. For money. Program $US169. ASHRAE* Handbook. * The 600 pound gorilla Psychrometric equations. Gargoyle says - ________________________ FWIW - The set of parameters that one usually wants to play with (taken from my 1st reference above) include enthalpy, latent heat of vaporization, heat of sublimation, humidity ratio, pressure, saturation vapor pressure, vapor pressure, relative humidity, dry bulb temperature, dewpoint temperature, wet bulb temperature, specific volume, saturation humidity ratio. -- PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at