Hi, I have a couple of simple designs around a PIC16F877A - one motor control circuit and one for maximum power point tracking of a solar panel. I'm using a couple of ADC channels and a few GPIO pins along with one timer. I'm using 20 MHz oscillators I need to do 8x8 and 16x16 multiplication. For now, I'm using code from the Piclist code library, that gets the job done in about 40 cycles and 140+ cycles. I got myself two of the PIC 18F4520 devices. They appear to have the same layout for the IO pins as the 16F877A. I'm planning to port my assembly code to these devices. What do you think I might have to watch out for? Will the assembly code for the 16F device work straight away on the 18F device? And can I just replace the 16F device with the 18F device in my circuit? Anything that needs to be configured differently? Do you think it's possible to use the 18F device straight away in the original circuit with maybe minor modifications (given the simplicity of the circuit)? If so, would that make the 18F4520 a direct replacement for the 16F877A as the generic prototyping PIC? (I remember Forrest Christian bringing up this topic earlier this year). Thanks in advance, Anand __________________________ Anand Gadiyar, CEDT, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore - 560 012 Phone: +91-98862-70030 __________________________ -- http://www.piclist.com PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/piclist