This is my first time using a microcontroller, so please forgive me for asking such a rudimentary question. I would like to use the PIC16F684. It has 8 ADC channels and two comparators. Let's say a pin has three functions: digital I/O, ADC, and a comparator input. As an example, pin 9 on the PIC16F684 can be used for RC1, AN5, or C2IN-. Here is my question: can pin 9 do double-duty as an analog input (AN5) *and* as the inverting input to comparator C2 (C2IN-) *without* rewriting the initialization registers? In other words, let's say one line of code reads the analog input voltage on pin 9. Can the next line of code read the state of comparator C2? Or do pins need to be configured to be an analog input, comparator, but not both? Thanks -- PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at