Thank you all for your suggestions. To answer some of your questions/comments: - We're working on a device that has the ability to be powered from the COM port, as well as another 12V source. We're simultaneously developing software that will work in conjunction with the device. Among other things, the software controls the states of each of the control lines, and monitors the input pins. Simular projects are likely to take place in the near future, so the breakout box is likely to see long-term use. - The "dual LEDs/resistors" breakout box someone has suggested draws too much current, and causes a significant voltage drop, to the point where the device fails to start (it is continually resetting). So the box has to have a relatively high impedance, so as to minimize its effect on the RS232 lines. - Someone correctly hinted that developers' time is expensive. Since the final product will be produced in very limited quantities, it's important to keep the development time to a minimum (no tinkering, if possible), but parts cost is not an issue. The circuit design doesn't need to be clever, it just has to work. - LEDs must be able to indicate +/- levels on RS232 lines, as well as the "no signal" condition. We've settled on using eight MAX221s (one per line), each of which has an #INVALID output that goes high whenever there's voltage on the respective control or data line. The pin goes low whenever the voltage is in the undefined region. LEDs are the RGY kind. The #INVALID pin is connected through an inverter to the Gnd pin of the LED (to disable it when the signal is not present). The Rout pin of the MAX221 is fed into a buffer and an inverter, the outputs of which are connected to G and R pins of the LED. Wasteful and unelegant, I know. :) I'm saving the entire thread, there's another "breakout box" project (non-RS232) that we've had on our to-do list for a while, which may utilize some of the interesting ideas presented here. So thank you again for your input. Sincerely, Vitaliy -- PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at -- PIC/SX FAQ & list archive View/change your membership options at